Legal Notice

Non-disclosure agreement

The company HYNOVA will not sell, rent or otherwise disclose your email address or any other personal information. In accordance with the provisions of the law n°78-17 of january 6, 1978, you have a right of access, rectification and opposition on the nominative data concerning you.

Ownership of the site

The present site is the property of the company HYNOVA SAS registered in the commercial register of marseille (rcs: 880 612 064), whose head office is located: 46 QUAI FRANCOIS Mitterrand – 13600 LA CIOTAT.

Site content

The content of the site is composed by its general structure and the elements composing it: texts, images animated or not, sounds and multimedia elements. Any total or partial representation of this site and its contents, by any process whatsoever, without the prior express authorization of the company HYNOVA, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles l335-2 and following of the code of intellectual property. The images and texts on the site are in no way contractual.


The trademarks and logos appearing on the site are registered trademarks and logos. Any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks and logos without the express authorisation is prohibited.

Hypertext links

HYNOVA cannot be held responsible for the hypertext links set up within the framework of the present web site to other resources on the internet network. You have the possibility to set up a hypertext link between your site and the site by displaying our site in a new window. The site cannot be integrated into the navigation of external sites.

Data-processing law and freedoms

The users of the HYNOVA company’s site are required to respect the provisions of the law on computers, files and liberties, the violation of which is punishable by criminal penalties. They must in particular refrain, with regard to the nominative information to which they have access, from any collection, any misuse, and generally speaking, from any act likely to infringe on the private life or reputation of individuals. Offenders expose themselves to criminal sanctions in accordance with the provisions of section v of the new penal code entitled “infringements of the rights of persons resulting from computer files or processing” and chapter iii entitled “infringements of automated data processing systems”. The information concerning you that you send to HYNOVA will not be disseminated to a third party. You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (art. 34 of the law ” informatique et libertés ” ). To exercise this right, please contact hynova by e-mail [email protected].

Site hosting

The company Blaaaz provides the hosting of the website


Photographs and text editing: HYNOVA
Contact : [email protected]

Graphic design and site development

This site was designed and developed by Blaaaz Agency, experts in website creation.
Mail : [email protected]